(Illustration/Max-O-Matic) (Copyright By A.M.P.A.S. (Douglas Fairbanks); Twentieth Century Fox (Star Wars); Columbia Pictures Corp./Photofest (Boyz N The Hood); Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive (Merrell Gage);Morningside Productions (Jason And The Argonauts); United Artists (Charlie Chaplin); Nbc/Photofest (Johnny Carson); Milestone Film & Video (Mary Pickford); Paramount Pictures (Titanic).)
Top Hollywood Blockbusters With Trojan Ties
From Star Wars to The Avengers, USC alumni have led some of the most successful films in history.
Behind every great blockbuster film is … a Trojan?
Check the stats, and it starts to look that way. USC alumni films are bound to be successful: USC School of Cinematic Arts alumni have played crucial roles behind the camera in 21 of the 25 top-grossing domestic movies of all time.
You already recognize the movies, now meet some of the Trojans who helped create these record-breaking box-office hits.